Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break

We had the amazing opportunity to get out of Logan and head south for our very first ever college spring break! It was amazing! Alex's grandparents have a cute little house/condo in this retirement community in St. George and we were able to stay there for a week while they were back at their home in Tooele. We are so grateful for their generosity! It was such a fun trip and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!!! Here are some pictures of our trip (most of them were taken on the same day - sorry).

Oh and yes, I cut my hair. Sorry there are no good pictures of it but it's way short and I love having less hair to deal with! I felt like I was drowning in it at night!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Silly boy

So Clarke took his first steps a week or two ago and he decided he had been there, done that and he no longer wants to walk. We're still working on it but at least we know he can walk, right? He's such a little sweetheart. Here are some videos of him being silly and plain old cute.

 Clarke loves taking baths and he just covers his eyes as we pour tons of water over his head to wash out his hair. Oh and it's a good thing Clarke has such a big tummy to keep him modest!

Sliding/crawling backwards is his new thing and he knows we think it's funny so he performs for us all the time. Here's the first time he did it. 


We were giving Clarke a bath the other night and this is what Alex did to his hair:

I decided it was time for a real haircut for this boy. Here he is after:

This boy had a lot of hair!!! I miss it but I think he looks pretty handsome with his new haircut!