Monday, November 12, 2012

Lips and Computers

Clarke loves to kiss and smack his lips. 

Clarke is also slightly obsessed with computers.

Birthday boy

So we had a great time celebrating Clarke's first birthday. We opened up a few presents on his actual birthday and then had cupcakes that night. He wasn't too sure about the cupcake so he mostly just played with the frosting and spit out whatever cupcake made it into his mouth. Silly boy!

On Saturday we had a little birthday party for him. Clarke was pretty tired by the time we gave him his cute cake so it didn't quite go according to plan. I'll let the video speak for itself.

I cannot believe that it's been a whole year since Clarke was born. It's so strange to think about where we were a year ago with Clarke. We've come a long way since that crazy hospital experience at the beginning of his little life. We had no idea where this next year would take us and although it's been rough at times, it's been the best year of our lives. We are so grateful Clarke is doing so well! He is crawling, climbing up on things, getting into everything, and just being the happiest little boy we could have ever asked for. He is such a joy and we love him so much. What a little miracle.

Here are some pictures of all of the birthday festivities!
 Decorations on the morning of his birthday. 
 Kissing the horse (no, not biting its head off) that Aunt Barbara sent him. Such a sweet gift. We love it and it will always remind of us Uncle Peter. 

 This boy loves his mac and cheese. It's about the only table food he will consistently eat. 

 Loving whole milk! 
The cupcake experience on his actual birthday
 His "I'm so done with this cupcake and I want that camera, so give it to me" look.

 Opening presents 

 Watching some Disney sing along songs with Mom - he does not cuddle like this very often so it was so sweet. 
 Sharing pears with Mom
Alex made Clarke this adorable birthday cake. Good job, Dad! 
Clarke was not so sure about the cake. Can you see the tear streaks?
Singing happy birthday to him on his actual birthday.
Now contrast that experience with this one. So sad!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Clarke!

Clarke Henry turned one year old today! I can't believe it's been a whole year since that sweet little boy came to our family. We love him so much and can't imagine our life without him.

We had a fun day of presents and cupcakes and we'll have more festivities this weekend. Pictures to come!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween festivities and such

Here are some pictures of our recent adventures here in Logan. 
Clarke being cute.

 Alex treated me to a living room crepe picnic one Sunday evening after Clarke was in bed. I love him. 

 Clarke watching the rain one blustery and rainy afternoon. He was mesmerized. Is that not the cutest, sweetest little face? Oh and the cutest, chubbiest little hand? Oh how we love this little boy!

 Our pre-carving pumpkin decorations. Compliments of Grandma Gretch - thanks Mom!!

 Decorating some Halloween sugar cookies. Again, compliments of G-ram. Thanks, Mom!
The mouse family at a Stake Primary Halloween party. It was early in the month so we didn't quite have our real costumes put together so we went with this theme. As you can see, Clarke wasn't quite as into his mickey ears as much as he was at Disneyland this summer. Darn.

 Tired boys. This little man did not want to nap.....seems to be happening more and more often these days.

 Dad and Clarke built a fort last Friday afternoon! Clarke didn't quite know what to make of it.

 Alex and I proceeded to have our Friday night date inside the fort after Clarke was in bed (pizza and a movie.......not the most comfortable date ever but still adventurous I suppose). Who knew lacrosse sticks were such great fort-building tools?!

Our real Halloween costumes! The Lion, the Scarecrow and Dorothy. Sorry for the semi-lame pictures -we took them with our self-timer but you get the gist.

 Our extraordinarily happy little Lion!
 Our sweet, adorable little lion
 Our mischevious little lion
 Our annoyed little lion (how he spent the entire evening)
 Our courageous little lion who is trying to grab the camera. 

 The carving of the pumpkins. You can probably guess who did the spooky one. Yes, Alex. I carved the cute cat with some sweet, off-centered ears. I also carved the moon/star beauty. 

Overall, it's been a pretty fun month!! Halloween hasn't even happened yet but we'll probably take Clarke trick-or-treating around the townhouses we live in and then it's off to bed for that cute boy. He turns a YEAR OLD next week so we'll definitely be posting about that in the next little bit! I can't believe it's already been a whole year! It's been quite an adventure but we could not have asked for a more perfect little boy to be in our family. We feel so blessed to have him and we love him so much!

Happy Halloween!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

He's crawling!

Clarke is officially crawling!!!!! I don't think he quite realizes what he can do with this new ability but he's getting there. He is at such a fun stage and we love him so much!! He is ten months old and growing up so fast! What a cutie!

And just for the sake of cuteness:

 This boy loves his bucket!!!!

 Clarke scratches the side of his head when he's tired so that's why he looks like a mad scientist in this picture. He was super tired right here although this picture makes you think otherwise. 

 Bear Lake! So fun!!! We love living close to the lake. Next summer will be a blast with little Clarke man!

I just found this picture from this summer. Love.

P.S. We live in Logan and we love it. That is all. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012


July was a crazy month for us but SO fun! It started off with my aunt and some of my mom's family coming into town over the fourth. We mostly just hung out and ate food because our mountains were on fire that day so no fireworks for us. Then Jane was here visiting without her parents for two weeks which was a long time but we managed to have some fun! Clarke LOVED having her here and I'm pretty sure Jane enjoyed hanging out with Clarke as well. It was the first time they had ever met so that was really exciting.

Amy and A.J. flew into town towards the end of the month and we all jumped in our cars and drove to California for a big family hurrah now that Tim is home. We stopped in St. George each way so that made the drive easier for the kids. Clarke did fantastic on the drive. He slept and laughed and had a great time. I sat in the back with him most of the way which I think contributed to his happy mood. He is a great little traveler. In California we played at the beach and of course, went to Disneyland and CA Adventure. SO FUN!!! It was a different experience with a baby but still so great. We stayed at a hotel right next door to the parks so we were able to take the kids home in the afternoons to nap which was so nice. All three of them, Jack, Jane and Clarke did great and had so much fun. Clarke wasn't sure what to think about some of the rides but he loved Small World, Casey Junior and the Carousel. We probably won't be headed back for at least two years but we have some good memories to get us through until then. 

After we got home Amy and Jane stayed in Utah for a few days to hang out with us. Clarke loves them so much and I can't believe this was the first time they had met him. I so wish they lived closer to us. I cried when they left but I know Jane was ready to sleep in her own bed after being gone for a month. We miss them! 

Overall, it was a great month and it was so fun to be with family. Anyway, here are some pictures of the whole adventure:

 Clarke LOVES water!

Cute cousins!!!

 Really, Peter?

 Clarke loves my Aunt Barbara!!!! It was so great to see her so much this month!

 Cute little cousin friends!


 We visited my Uncle Peter's grave while in California and it was very peaceful. We miss him. 

Pretty much sums up our trip! 

This was pretty much how the entire two weeks went with Jane - Jane making Clarke laugh hysterically.

Clarke just learned how to play Peek-a-boo! So cute!