Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween festivities and such

Here are some pictures of our recent adventures here in Logan. 
Clarke being cute.

 Alex treated me to a living room crepe picnic one Sunday evening after Clarke was in bed. I love him. 

 Clarke watching the rain one blustery and rainy afternoon. He was mesmerized. Is that not the cutest, sweetest little face? Oh and the cutest, chubbiest little hand? Oh how we love this little boy!

 Our pre-carving pumpkin decorations. Compliments of Grandma Gretch - thanks Mom!!

 Decorating some Halloween sugar cookies. Again, compliments of G-ram. Thanks, Mom!
The mouse family at a Stake Primary Halloween party. It was early in the month so we didn't quite have our real costumes put together so we went with this theme. As you can see, Clarke wasn't quite as into his mickey ears as much as he was at Disneyland this summer. Darn.

 Tired boys. This little man did not want to nap.....seems to be happening more and more often these days.

 Dad and Clarke built a fort last Friday afternoon! Clarke didn't quite know what to make of it.

 Alex and I proceeded to have our Friday night date inside the fort after Clarke was in bed (pizza and a movie.......not the most comfortable date ever but still adventurous I suppose). Who knew lacrosse sticks were such great fort-building tools?!

Our real Halloween costumes! The Lion, the Scarecrow and Dorothy. Sorry for the semi-lame pictures -we took them with our self-timer but you get the gist.

 Our extraordinarily happy little Lion!
 Our sweet, adorable little lion
 Our mischevious little lion
 Our annoyed little lion (how he spent the entire evening)
 Our courageous little lion who is trying to grab the camera. 

 The carving of the pumpkins. You can probably guess who did the spooky one. Yes, Alex. I carved the cute cat with some sweet, off-centered ears. I also carved the moon/star beauty. 

Overall, it's been a pretty fun month!! Halloween hasn't even happened yet but we'll probably take Clarke trick-or-treating around the townhouses we live in and then it's off to bed for that cute boy. He turns a YEAR OLD next week so we'll definitely be posting about that in the next little bit! I can't believe it's already been a whole year! It's been quite an adventure but we could not have asked for a more perfect little boy to be in our family. We feel so blessed to have him and we love him so much!

Happy Halloween!!